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First Term Board achievements



  • The D205 School Board earned the IASB School Board Governance Award in 2022. One of only 33 districts in the state to receive it 

  • Collaborated with our community in 2021 to hire a new superintendent with expertise in raising student achievement. 

  • Hired a new Executive Director of Communications & Community Relations who has revamped the department and added a myriad of tools to reach more of our stakeholders consistently. 

  • Worked alongside the superintendent and leadership team to establish a comprehensive Strategic Plan for our district

Student Success

  • Expanded summer school offerings at all levels to address learning gaps from the pandemic

  • Adopted additional ELA resources & professional development in
    K-5 to address learning gaps 

  • Implemented All Day Kindergarten across the district 

  • Increased Project Lead the Way course pathways 

  • Added 2 new Special Olympics athletic teams and supports needed to run them

  • Increased student participation in AP and other college level courses

  • Elevated the professional learning offerings even more to help improve instructional practices

  • Brought attention to mental health needs through Thrive D205 & partnered with others to offer appropriate community and student programming

  • Committed to additional mental health  staffing and resources & throughout the district 

  •  Offered a growing Dual Language program to our students

Facilities & Finance

  • Continued work on the projects funded by the $168.5 million referendum.

  • Completed the new Lincoln school on time and under budget and Field Elementary will be completely rebuilt by fall 2023

  • Installed state of the art safe and secure entrances in all of our buildings

  • Established the new permanent "Bridges" Transition Center for our
    18-22 year old special education students

  • Collaborated with the City of Elmhurst on a storm water management project and turf field at York HS

  • Exercised good fiscal responsibility and optimized timing of bond issuance to lower the taxpayers portion of referendum debt​

  • Abated taxes to lighten the taxpayers' burden


  • Developed a plan to review district policies on a quarterly basis as a part of the policy committee

  • Adopted a Chain of Command protocol to create a guide to help families and community members who have questions or concerns 

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