First Term Board achievements
The D205 School Board earned the IASB School Board Governance Award in 2022. One of only 33 districts in the state to receive it
Collaborated with our community in 2021 to hire a new superintendent with expertise in raising student achievement.
Hired a new Executive Director of Communications & Community Relations who has revamped the department and added a myriad of tools to reach more of our stakeholders consistently.
Worked alongside the superintendent and leadership team to establish a comprehensive Strategic Plan for our district
Student Success
Expanded summer school offerings at all levels to address learning gaps from the pandemic
Adopted additional ELA resources & professional development in
K-5 to address learning gaps -
Implemented All Day Kindergarten across the district
Increased Project Lead the Way course pathways
Added 2 new Special Olympics athletic teams and supports needed to run them
Increased student participation in AP and other college level courses
Elevated the professional learning offerings even more to help improve instructional practices
Brought attention to mental health needs through Thrive D205 & partnered with others to offer appropriate community and student programming
Committed to additional mental health staffing and resources & throughout the district
Offered a growing Dual Language program to our students
Facilities & Finance
Continued work on the projects funded by the $168.5 million referendum.
Completed the new Lincoln school on time and under budget and Field Elementary will be completely rebuilt by fall 2023
Installed state of the art safe and secure entrances in all of our buildings
Established the new permanent "Bridges" Transition Center for our
18-22 year old special education students -
Collaborated with the City of Elmhurst on a storm water management project and turf field at York HS
Exercised good fiscal responsibility and optimized timing of bond issuance to lower the taxpayers portion of referendum debt​
Abated taxes to lighten the taxpayers' burden
Developed a plan to review district policies on a quarterly basis as a part of the policy committee
Adopted a Chain of Command protocol to create a guide to help families and community members who have questions or concerns